UN convenes conference on aid to Afghanistan – POLITICO


The United Nations will hold an international conference to raise humanitarian funds for the Afghan people on September 13, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Saturday.

The Taliban-controlled country “faces imminent humanitarian catastrophe,” Guterres said in a video posted to Twitter.

The objective of the ministerial-level conference is “to advocate for more resources so that vital humanitarian operations can continue,” he said.

Guterres a noted that nearly half of Afghanistan’s roughly 40 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance. An economic collapse is looming and is serious Drought has restricted the food supply, raising fears of massive famine.

“We need the international community to stand together and support the Afghan people,” Guterres said.

“We also call for full and unhindered humanitarian access to ensure that Afghans continue to get the essential services they need,” he added.

EU foreign ministers on Friday agreed on a common approach to working with the Taliban. The EU’s position demands that any Taliban government allow access to humanitarian aid.

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