The Tokyo Olympics will take place without fans – POLITICO


The Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, which kick off on July 23, will go without spectators due to a new emergency state on COVID-19 in the Japanese capital.

Japan’s Olympics Minister Tamayo Marukawa made the announcement following discussions with officials from the International Olympic Committee and competition organizers on Thursday.

The announcement came hours after Tokyo was hit with new coronavirus restrictions until August 22, due to the growing number of cases in the city.

“Tokyo venues will not include spectators,” Marukawa told reporters. “For these regions [in Japan] where the state of emergency is not applied… we will discuss.

“It is extremely unfortunate that the games are being organized in a very limited way in the face of the spread of new coronavirus infections,” said Seiko Hashimoto, president of the organizing committee, according to Kyodo News. “I am so sorry for the ticket holders and the local residents who were eagerly awaiting the games. “

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