Ethereum France Live: Prepare for Ethereum 2 with Mehdi Zerouali


Tuesday November 24, Ethereum France is pleased to welcome Mehdi Zerouali, co-founder and director of Sigma Prime for a presentation of Lighthouse.

Come in large numbers at lunchtime on Youtube to discover this Ethereum 2 client and ask Mehdi all your questions, in particular on the practical aspects of participating in the Proof of Stake on Ethereum.

Giorgio da Castelfranco, known as Giorgione (1477-1510), The three philosophers (1504) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna

While the generation of the first block of the beacon-chain is scheduled for Wednesday 2 December 2020 at the earliest, it is urgent to prepare for this change.

After welcoming Mamy Ratsimbazafy (developer of the Ethereum 2 Nimbus client at Status) last week, it was the turn of another French person to come and talk to you about the Lighthouse client that his company is developing Sigma Prime. Mehdi has already had the opportunity to exhibit his work at EthCC in 2019 (you can find his intervention here).

See you at 12:30 pm Tuesday November 24 on our Youtube channel.


Global Head of Customer Success at Ledger. Twitter / Medium: @jdetychey

Beginner’s Guide: Staker on Ethereum 2! →← Ethereum France Live: get ready for Ethereum 2 with Mamy Ratsimbazafy


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